Monday, September 8, 2008


I never heard of a dreamcatcher before. I saw that thing hanging on our room and of course I want to know what are those things. My hubby explain to me the purpose of dreamcatcher and it is working according to them. Their mom always give them what they need and since they always have nightmare that is why mom gave those to them. Actually she gave us one for both of us since we are on the same birth month.
This is what the information on that piece of paper in the picture:
The Ojibway Indians believed the night air was filled with floating Dreams-both good and bad. To encourage good dreams, Ojibway Grandmothers fashioned dreamcatchers to hang above the cradleboards of sleeping infants, and to give to newly married couples to hang in their lodge.
The dreamcatcher hangs freely in the breeze. The webbing captures the night's dreams. Bad dreams become entangled and perish at the first light of day. Good dreams, knowing the way, float through the webbing down the feather and onto the dreamer. Happy Dreams!

More Information about Dreamcatcher:

Blessings from God