Thursday, August 28, 2008

Banana Blossoms

When I was a kid I never knew banana blossoms can be eaten. I only heard a story that when you wait for the crystal stone that will come out in the blossom, you will have special power to fight those bad people.

But my mother taught me how to eat the blossoms or the heart of the banana. We eat it just by simply boiling it and dip it with the fish sauce ( bagoong) and eat with rice. Also my aunt made salad out of it. And even burger patti made of banana heart.

Banana FlowerThe flower of the banana plant (also known as banana blossom or banana heart) is used in Southeast Asian, Tamil, Bengali and Kerala (India) cuisine, either served raw with dips or cooked in soups and curries. The tender core of the banana plant's trunk is also used, notably in the Burmese dish mohinga, Bengali and Kerala cooking. Bananas fried with batter is a popular dessert in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. So not only in the Philippines but also in other Asian Country.

I will share some economic and healthy burger:

Banana Heart Burger

Ingredients:banana heart (finely chopped)eggs (2)flour (enough to make the mixture firm, not soggy) onions (finely chopped)celery stalks (chopped)lotsa pepper and some salt spices of your choice (we used marjoram)chicken bouillion cooking oiltomatoes (sliced) lettuce burger bunsprayers

Directions:mix salt and chopped banana heartsqueeze out excess liquidthrow in eggs (yolk only)put lotsa pepperthrow in onions and celeryadd spice of choiceadd chicken bouillon (powdered)add flour gradually (check mixture for sogginess)form into pattiesfryturnover when one side is golden brownmake green mayo:beat egg whitesadd spoonfuls of sugargradually add olive oil during beatingassemble burger:toast buns, if desiredput pattiesgreen mayoketchuplettucesliced tomatoes.

Hope you'll enjoy the recipe. And don't forget to pray before eating. God bless and enjoy the banana heart burger.

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Blessings from God